What are the ideal colors to apply in each environment? Find out more!

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It is well known that colors can have a profound influence on people’s well-being. It is for this reason that they are used strategically when implementing them in each of the rooms of our home, improving the lives of people and inspiring them in their daily lives.

The great thing about color is that it can transform the energy of the home easily and in multiple ways, from a coat of paint to simple accessories.

In this article, we mention which colors are recommended for each environment, according to the sensations you want to achieve and transmit.


What are the ideal colors to apply in each environment? Find out more! 1
Photographer – Raul Vaquero Fotografo

In the case of the bedroom, the color we choose is important, since it is one of the spaces in which we spend the most time. Although its main objective is to rest and relax, we should also choose a color that represents us.

According to several studies, the color blue or green in light and pastel tones are the best options to transmit feelings of relaxation and to achieve a more peaceful sleep. In addition, these colors are closely related to new beginnings, motivating every day the people who implement them. If you find these shades boring, you can try them mixed with grays. This combination is more interesting and will achieve the same perceptions.

Regarding warm colors, you can use them as long as they are not in their most saturated tones, such as pink or peach, as they can ruin the tranquility of the space and produce anxiety. Avoid brown, purple, red and yellow at all costs.

On the other hand, classic white or gray will always be excellent choices.

Dining room

What are the ideal colors to apply in each environment? Find out more! 2
Photographer – Raul Vaquero Fotografo

On the other hand, the living room or dining room is the place we use mainly as a meeting point, to socialize and entertain, but also to relax.

As usual, you can use the classic white on walls and add touches of color through furniture and accessories. However, if you want to achieve a more personal space, the best bets are teal, pale gray, maroon, earthy brown, pink.

You can also implement, in decorative elements or on a main wall, more daring colors such as red for greater stimulation or black for elegance.

Remember that choosing the right colors for the dining room will be vital to achieve a comfortable and welcoming space for both residents and visitors.


What are the ideal colors to apply in each environment? Find out more! 3
Photographer – Raul Vaquero Fotografo

Regarding the kitchen, it is a place where you want to be stimulated and awake. For this reason, bold, saturated colors are the best choice.

Warm colors such as orange, yellow or red are excellent alternatives that transmit joy, optimism and stimulate the appetite.

However, if you prefer something more basic, white, cream or even soft blue can be great. It gives the perception of a clean, illuminated space and are colors that complement very well with the tones of the food.

On the other hand, you should avoid dark blue or black. If you are aiming for a dark kitchen, it is advisable to opt for a warm brown.


What are the ideal colors to apply in each environment? Find out more! 4
Photographer – Raul Vaquero Fotografo

Today, the bathroom has become a place for self-care or relaxation, similar to a spa. For this reason, and especially if your bathroom is small, the best bets are white, light gray or pastel yellow. In addition, these colors are related to cleanliness and order.

However, if your bathroom is large and you are more adventurous, it may be tempting to use colors such as pink or blue. Although always in its lighter or matte shades.


What are the ideal colors to apply in each environment? Find out more! 5
Photographer – Raul Vaquero Fotografo

Finally, we come across the office, an important area of our home, since it is where work or study tasks are carried out.

For this space we should choose stimulating colors that help us to concentrate and avoid distractions. Among them, we find yellow, which can be applied on a wall or on desktop elements, green, placing some plants, or blue for greater motivation.

All of these are recommended in their lightest shades, and combined with white to provide more illumination and avoid visual fatigue.


Now you know what color is suitable for each room and what aspects you should take into account when choosing them. However, beyond the recommendations, it is essential to consider the sensations that each of them transmit to you.

Finally, while experimenting with different styles and colors can add originality to your decor, remember that it is important that they complement each other to achieve cohesive spaces. If this is difficult for you, you can choose to place the same color in all your rooms, varying its shades according to the use given to each one and combining it with colors that help to accentuate the main color chosen.

Gina Parente

Miembro del equipo de Comunicación y Marketing de Habitium.com.

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